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Come back to see how longer.
With steps we kid.
And who wonder?

Blame your ghosts or a photograph.
Have, been a while that we met…

Freedom for flight.
Then that’s how we get.
Blame your folks, click that trigger.
I found that distance like we bet.

In an old house in Vila Isabel the bet was finally paid off. That Bet was the eighth song invoked for Knot Samsara.

That Bet 2022, album: Nó Samsara | composition: Rodrigo K | voice, guitar, bass: Rodrigo K. | drums: Salvador Camino | drums: Fernando Dias | recordings: Rodrigo, Salvador, Caio Maio | edition: Salvador | mixing: Bruno Philippsen | mastering: Alex Raikov | labels: Himalayas Records, Circuit Ambrosia.